Where to you can buy best 11kv 4c 185mm 240mm 300mm 3 core xlpe cable price list
Whenever you want to buy the 4c 185mm 240mm 300mm lt ht 3 core xlpe cable price list you need get the reliable factory. Because of the lt 185mm 240mm 3 core xlpe cable is widely used in our country. So it direct laying has obvious advantage. Such as simple procedure, low 300mm2 185mm xlpe cable cost. The construction unit must understand the properties of the lt xlpe cable prices 3 core 185mm2 240mm2.
At the same time, you need communicate with the 3 core 4c 185mm ht xlpe cable manufacturers before choosing the direct laying. Such as the type sheathing of the 300mm 4c xlpe swa pvc cable, the bending radius suggested by the 240mm 185mm lt xlpe cable manufacturers. As for it has been determined that the 185mm 4c ht xlpe cable can be buried directly. So it is necessary to carry out on-site survey the direction of the lt xlpe cable 3 core 185mm2 240mm2 according to the construction plan.
About the 35mm 240mm2 300mm2 3 core 4c al xlpe cableyou should know?
In general, the buried depth of the 11kv 4c 185mm 240mm 300mm al xlpe cable should be in the frozen soil layer below. But, North and South 11kv 240mm2 185mm2 4c 3 core xlpe cable prices are different. Because of before laying, fine sand of 100-120 mm thickness should be laid on the 3 core 4c 35mm 185mm 300mm ht xlpe cable channel. Therefore covered with cement or concrete protective cover.

The details of 25mm – 30mm2 4 core swa armoured al xlpe cable
Voltage: 0.6/1kv
Condutor: Al /Cu and so on.
Insulaiton: PVC/XLPE
Cross-sectional area: 25mm, 185mm, 240mm, 300mm and so on.
Cores: 2, 3, 4, 5, 3+1, 3+2
Type: YJV/YJLV/YJV22/YJLV22/YJV32/YJLV32 and so on.
Meanwhile, the cover should be wider than 100mm in diameter of the 11kv 3 core 30mm2 240mm2 al xlpe cable prices. So, the backfill should non-corrosive to the al lt 4c xlpe cable 300mm 11kv. In the process of backfill, it is better to add a layer of color mini-warning tape. In order to backfill, you’d better do some warnings in the 240mm 3 core xlpe cable 300mm 11kv head and bend to prevent external damage.
So, the way of direct burying of 240mm2 300mm2 lt xlpe cable price list is only suitable for the place. Such as no or little termite, flat terrain, and no underground operation. So you should do a geological survey before choose the direct laying. In general, 3 core xlpe cable 300mm 11kv with armor and below 10kv or less may be directly buried according to the actual condition. If you want to get more the cable information you can contact 4c 185mm 240mm 3 core xlpe cable manufacturers – huadong group.Tunneled laying knowledge of the 3 core 185mm ht xlpe cable from huadong

The medium voltage armoured lt xlpe cable structure
Voltage: 11kv, 15kv, 18/33kv and so on.
Condutor: Al /Cu and so on.
Insulaiton: PVC/XLPE
Armoured lay: SWA/STA
Cross-sectional area: 25mm, 185mm2, 240mm2, 300mm and so on.
Cores: single core /3 core.
Type: YJV22/YJLV22/YJV32/YJLV32 and so on.
35mm 300mm 3core xlpe cable manufacturers
Generally speaking, the so-called cable tunneled laying is means that there is XLPE swa in a tunnel. Because of the 240mm 185mm 3 core xlpe cable 11kv is laid in a totally-enclosed tunnel. And equipped with inspection and service corridor. In tunnel, the number of 185mm 4c lt xlpe cable can be increased or decreased at any time. It does not need to break the earth again to start the work, the mechanical property of resisting external force is very strong. In the process of laying, the 3 core xlpe cable price list is necessary to know the external diameter, voltage grade cable and the performance of the insulating sheath material of the 11kv 4c 185mm2 300mm2 ht xlpe cable. And then you can determine the distance between the 3core 4c 185mm 240mm al xlpe cable. There lighting system and drainage in tunnel of 240mm 300mm 3core 4c xlpe cable.
There are also smoke alarm system, automatic fire extinguishers and fire hydrants. Some tunnels of 3core 4c 300mm xlpe cable are equipped with temperature control system, on-line monitoring system, anti-theft system. Although the tunnel of 240mm2 300mm2 xlpe cable has many advantages, the investment cost of the tunnel construction is very high. Sothe construction period is long. In order to save the 35mm185mm xlpe cable cost and reduce the transition period, many construction units abandon it. So, if you want get 3 core xlpe cable price list please contact huadong 4 core 185mm cable factory.
How to pipe laying of 185mm 240mm 4c 3 core XLPE cable
Because of so-called pipe laying is the way of laying the 185mm 240mm 3 core XLPE cable 11kv in a well-arranged underground pipeline. Therefor, It’s easy to reduce the service life of 4c 3 core 185mm 240mm 30mm lt xlpe cable price list. So, according to statistics, if pipe laying is not handled properly, the service life of 4c 185mm2 240mm2 30mm2 ht xlpe cable prices will be reduced by 35% to 40%. In addition, there are some hidden troubles such as invasion and bite of small leaking animals, and the maintenance cost is high. The advantages of pipe lay the 25mm al xlpe cable are that it is easy to maintain, and can reserve space for other cables
As one of the professional lt xlpe cable manufacturers in China, Huadong Cable Group is the best choice. If you need 11kv 3 core xlpe cable price list, please send us an e-mail at any time.Our products obtained CCC,PCCC,SGS,BV certificates. We strictly according to GB,IEC,BS,ICEA, ASTM, DIN, VED, JIS standards to manufacture the products, and also we can design and produce according to customers’ requirements. Please contact us at any time if you need the ht xlpe cable prices.